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.TZ Domain (Tanzania, United Republic of)

€ 104.00 / year
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.TZ represents the official domain of Tanzania, a country located in East Africa. It is currently managed by the Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority. Remember, by using a web address that identifies you with the country, you have a better chance of attracting the local public.

It is important to note that previously you could only register under the TLD, but on July 1, 2022 the second level domain was launched directly as .TZ. Among the requirements to acquire a .TZ domain, it is not necessary to reside in Tanzania.

In Tanzania, the official language is Swahili and they also communicate in English. This can be attractive for international investors who want to have a presence in this East African country, and the .TZ domain is what you have been looking for!

Domain characteristics

General Information for the domain extension .tz - Tanzania, United Republic of

Meaning of Extension .tz is the official country domain (ccTLD) from Tanzania, United Republic of.
Minimum and maximum length 3 - 63 characters
Time of registration In real-time
Time of transfer In real-time
Registrar Transfer Yes, with Auth-Code
Trade Yes
Premium Domains No
Whois Privacy No
DNSSEC Supported Yes (DS)
Renewal Period 1Y, 2Y, 3Y, 4Y, 5Y
Registration Period 1Y, 2Y, 3Y, 4Y, 5Y
Cancellation Period 1 Day(s)
Renewal On Transfer No
No local contact needed
Registry Connection Directly
Manual renewal possible
Number of nameservers allowed 2 - 6
The domain terms for .tz domains can be found at:
All prices including 0% VAT.