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Free DynamicDNS 1 – The Remote Access To Your Home

How convenient would it be if you were able to access your stored data, webcam or home automation system from work or while on vacation? Unfortunately, your IP-Address changes every 24 hours and anyway you don't want to remember the maze of numbers? Are you already INWX customer and also enjoy the possibility to register and manage your domains quickly and comfortably via our Domain Robot?

We offer you the perfect complement to our Domain Robot: DynamicDNS

With DynamicDNS, you are now able to automatically inform our DNS servers of changes to your IP-Address at home. You only need to remember your chosen (sub-) Domain and your router sends the current IP address to INWX. From now on, your connection at home can be reached with an easily recognisable address and would be always at your disposal.

How does DynamicDNS work with INWX?
After logging in with your user ID and password on our website, you will find „DynDNS" on the left side of the menu.
DynDNS Account
Create a new DynDNS account by clicking on "Add an account". Now introduce the desired username, password and hostname (for example, and confirm the registration.
In the overview of DynamicDNS, you will now find the URL-Update, which can be set up in your router. Set up the DynamicDNS service with the access data you have created on your router and start the update process. For more information on setting up your router, look up the instructions or the help manual of your device.
Your router will now automatically update the subdomains you have set up each time you change the IP address. You can now access your Internet connection at any time with your new address.

How much costs DynamicDNS with INWX?

1) The first DynDNS account is free of charge. If required, you can order further DynDNS packages in the customer area.

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